Is Doctrine Just Head Knowledge?
Is doctrine just head knowledge? No! Understanding Christian doctrine is a vital component for a believer’s life. Hank Hanegraaff says, “Essential Christian doctrine is the North Star by which the course of Christianity is set.” 1 To know what you believe and why you believe can greatly benefit the Christian and it can never be considered merely a cerebral exercise that simply fills a person’s mind with just facts and figures—cold dull content organized categorized and labeled in nice little boxes. Such an idea is pure foolishness. So what is so important about learning doctrine anyway? Understanding Christian doctrine liberates the soul. A person who sins against God is a slave to sin, but Christ says, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free” (John 8:31-32). There have been so many occasions wherein I would be told some legalistic prescription tagged with a proof text by another Christian, only ...