“My personal Jesus…”
I am in no way a serious Depeche Mode fan; yet, I think when Martin Gore sang, “Reach out and touch faith, your own personal Jesus, someone to hear your payers…” I think he did strike a chord that resonated well with the American soul. According to a Spin article, the song is about “being a Jesus for somebody else,” in the idolatrous way described by Pricilla Presley for her King in the book Elvis & Me [1]. Many have the same sentiments, create a “Jesus” to one’s own liking. Early twentieth century scholars Albert Schweitzer and Rudolpf Bultman one theorized that the Bible is a composite of both myth and history. Just as there was real guy in history named George Washing that served as the first President of the United States, there were also legends that came about that served to inspire people, like the story about cutting down the cherry tree, the Bible also had the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith. The Jesus Seminar Fellows such as Robert Funk, John Dominic Crossan, a...