Today is December 21, 2012. My guess is if you can read this the whole global meltdown has not happened and…well…this is one more false prediction of the worlds end that never panned out. It really can cone to no surprise in that such prognostications are wrong 100% of the time. All the hype surrounded speculations made about the Mayan Long Count calendar, which ends a “Great Cycle” lasting 5125.36 years, which was one of several ways those ancient Mesoamericans reckoned time, the others being the Haab , the Lords of the Night, and the Tzolk’in [1]. Did the ancient Mayan culture that flourished in Central America between AD250 and AD800 really have anything to say about the twenty-first century? Unlikely! The equating of the completion of the “Great Cycle” with the end of the world is a “modern invention” and whatever the Maya believed about the future, they expected life to go on pretty much the same forever [2]. Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the ...