
Showing posts with the label Origins

Exploring the Lost World of Genesis One

Discuss the origins of the universe and one is bound to get into some debate on subjects like the nature of science and religion, Darwinian naturalism, evolution, intelligent design, creation science, creation ex nihilo , or the age of the earth. Much of the discussion centers on how the material universe came about. Naturally, the origins question must consider the creation account in Genesis 1, and the possible implications, if any, the biblical chapter has in the nature of science and religion debate. Many Christian interpreters understand the days of creation to be descriptive of the processes out of which the material universe came into existence; for some the universe came about in creative acts done over a period of six 24-hour days, whereas others stretch the creative acts over six indefinite but finite periods of time extending millions of years called day-ages. An important angle the Bible student must take into account is the role the Ancient Near East (ANE) worldview played