2012 is Here!

Well, 2011 has come and gone, and I’d say it was one wild roller coaster ride of a year. Around the Middle East, starting in Egypt, people took to the streets in protests, seeking social reforms in their own homeland. Even in the United States the Occupy movement with its “We are the 99%” slogan had significant world impact. Whether or not one agrees with the ideologies set forth by the protestors, all must concede they got the world’s attention this year.

The Tohoku earthquake that gave rise to a tsunami that devastated the coastal towns of Japan, which also caused a number of nuclear accident and a meltdown at the Fukushima Power Plant can be counted among those world events that leaves one speechless and perplexed of the unspeakable horror that just took place. Such events remind us of our own mortality and just how fragile life can be. Is not the very creation groaning in its bondage to sin and yearning for the day it shall be set free (Rm. 8:18-25; Rev. 21:1-9). Hmm…I wonder?

The Standard & Poor’s downgrade of United States credit rating to AA+ sparked conversations about how this nation can resolve its own economic woes.

On the lighter side of things, we witnessed the melt down of Charlie Sheen, and got a little bit of parody along with some liberal intolerant slams against “Tebowing” made popular by Denver quarterback Tim Teabow.

We’ve also witness the end to terrorist leader Osama bin Laden along with Muammar Gaddafi, who also supported his own state sponsored terrorism.

None can also forget the loss of Steve Jobs, an innovative businessman who revolutionized our technology. He was known to have explored many Eastern Religions, particularly Zen Buddhism, but remained “fifty-fifty” on the existence of God. His last words were “Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.”

The reality is that death is an inevitable reality that all people face, but there is a life after death, and how we live in the present moment ultimately shapes us for all eternity. While we do not sit in the judgment seat to determine where a soul spends eternity, God instructs us “it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment, so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him” (Heb. 9:27-28).

Well, 2012 has come and I’m looking forward for all the adventures God has got in store for us. I don’t think anything significant is going to happen on December 21, 2012 (yeah, the whole Mayan Calendar thing), like some type of harmonic convergence, or a major catastrophe, but I’m certain that there shall never be a short supply of people “crying wolf.” Whatever the case, God is good, He’s brought me through 2011, and He’ll get me through 2012.

Happy New Year!


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