Independence Day 2012

I hope everyone is having a blessed Independence Day! I am always grateful for living in the United States, with all of its freedoms and representative democracy. But I am also mindful of the fact that it is the God of heaven who made and sustains the world I live. Not just my country, but all countries are established by God. I think that is something always to remember. Yet, as an American, I do appreciate the 4th of July holiday, and it is a time to commemorate the birth of a nation, as well as show a little patriotism.

Even so, I believe that what makes life in the United States so great it its very infrastructure was built upon hearts and minds influenced by the Bible. For example, when the founding fathers of this country established this representative democracy, they were informed by the pattern of government God established for Israel’s theocracy.
The Lord appointed Moses to lead and prophesy; however, there were also another seventy elders to assist in the burdens of leadership (Num. 11:16-17, 24-26). These men were recognized as elders by the people, so they represented the people. The Lord also made provisions for the establishment of a king, who was to be chosen from the people (Deut. 17:20). Israel’s king would be given all the authority to do right but not to do wrong. He would not be above the law, for even the king is under the authority of the Divine Lawmaker. Even when kings abused their power, God sent prophets to call them to repentance. Nathan confrontation of David concerning the adultery with Bathsheba and murder of Uriah is a classic example. A cursory read of the ancient prophets also reveals God’s opposition to tyrannical rules and yearning for a righteous and just king. A representative government with checks and balances is one thing that makes America great, but this idea is ultimately rooted in biblical principles.
I do not know if I can go so far as to say America is a “Christian” nation, but I can say that the ideas that formed this nation did not come out of a vacuumed; rather, founders of this nation were deeply influenced by ideas from the Bible, whether they were Christian theists or deists.
Neither do I think America has a perfect system of government. This nation is polarized on many different issues, and its representative leadership appears to always be in a stalemate. Sometimes they would even pass legislation I would vehemently oppose. Nevertheless, it is the representation with checks and balances that ultimately serves the common good. One corrupt leader cannot become a tyrant; otherwise he can be removed from office. The people exercise mob rule either, as the nation’s leaders can do what is right when the right thing to do is not the popular thing to do (e.g. abolishment of slavery). We, therefore, have a system that empowers people to do what is right but not what is wrong.
Happy 4th of July


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