What is Our Position in Christ?

Recently I got reacquainted with Watchman Nee, particularly his book Sit, Walk, Stand. I still recall attending Gardena Valle Baptist Church and hearing Pastor Ron believer’s position in Christ and condition in the world, which was something he gleaned from Nee’s Sit, Walk, Stand. It has really been a blessing to revisit some old lessons.

Nee’s reflection on Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians is truly profound. The Apostle Paul writes of the Christian being seated in the heavenlies in Christ (Eph. 1-3), walking worthy of the calling which the believer has been called (Eph. 4-5), and standing against the powers of darkness (Eph. 6). Sit, Walk, Stand, the words appear to be out of order, counterintuitive to life, and truly paradoxical. Some of us think about living a good life then going to heaven, but Ephesians 2 indicates the Christian is already seated in heaven (albeit still traversing the earthly sojourn). Nevertheless, this is the unique rhythmic drumbeat of the dance with God and His people.

Placing the teaching on being seated in Christ prior to waking and standing in the Epistle to the Ephesians is far from any mistake on Paul’s part. In order for us to really walk well in the world, and stand against the wiles of the Devil, the Christian must understand the reality of being seated in Christ with every spiritual blessing. Christianity is never about doing something to earn the right to sit with Christ; rather, it is about beginning to understand what Christ has done, which has already seated us in the heavenlies.

Nee observes,
Though the Christian life begins with sitting, sitting is always followed by walking. When once we have been well and truly seated and found our strength in sitting down, then we do in fact begin to walk. Sitting describes our position with Christ in the heavenlies. Walking is the practical outworking of that heavenly position here on earth.

Right now the Christian’s position in Christ is in heaven with every spiritual blessing and it is this reality that allows the believer to progress in the earthly condition, walking in this sinful and fallen world, and standing against the Satan who wages war against God and the people of God.



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